Consent Form

No Pets or Emotional Support Animals are allowed. Only Licensed Canine Companions.


  • Check in time is between 3-6pm. We are a working farm. We go to bed early and get up early.
  • No Pets (only canine companions allowed, this does not include emotional support animals)
  • No fires except at the communal fire pit.
  • No Smoking on premises.
  • Children must be attended by parents at all times
  • No firearms of any kind (this includes concealed carry permit weapons)
  • Do not feed the animals without our prior permission.
  • Pack out all items you pack in. We do not have garbage facilities.
  • No Foraging without prior permission.
  • No BB/Pellet/Paintball guns.

We rescue animals which are free range most of the time. Our horses are BIG and gentle. Our goats are very friendly, and have zero manners. Our horses and goats are prey animals so do not approach them. If the horses approach you they may let you pet them gently on the nose or might be curious and do not want to be touched.

  • DO NOT leave your children unattended with our animals at any time.
  • We will not be held accountable for any accidents that may occur to you or your party during your stay here at Spirit’s Grove.
  • Up to 3 guests allowed at $25/guest for a day visit (8am-7pm)
  • If over 3 guests, you will be charged an event fee.
  • Any additional vehicles above what is offered for your site will be charged an additional $15.

Guest Liability Waiver

Liability Waiver:

You understand that hiking, wildlife, and petting our rescue animals are at your own risk. You accept full responsibility for any bodily injury.

You agree to be fully and solely responsible for any accidents you may incur. You understand the risks discussed above and agree that you will assume all responsibility for yourself and the consequences of those in your party. You agree to waive any claim whatsoever against the owner for accidents or claims arising from hiking or wildlife.

The Responsible Party agrees to accept full responsibility for any damages caused to the property as a result of their negligent or intentional actions or omissions. This responsibility includes but is not limited to compensating Spirit’s Grove for all losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses incurred as a direct result of the responsible party’s actions or negligence.

We must have a credit card on file during your stay to cover any damages that may occur during your stay and to charge for guest fees in case your party has day visitors.

All in Spirit’s Grove in my party acknowledge and agree that they have read and understand this waiver and they acknowledge that confirming below constitutes a binding and enforceable contract between Spirit’s Grove Guests and Spirit’s Grove Host.